Monday, September 1, 2008

Grand Tetons in the Rain

Grand Tetons in the Rain. From Sunday night, August 31, 2008

It’s raining, foggy, and cold here this evening. When we left for Jackson, we could see a storm coming over the mountains, and I thoughts for a minute that we should go back and put the deck chairs away. Laziness prevailed, however, and we didn’t turn back. Too bad. The storm hit, at first very heavy rain and hail, then settled in to a mild but steady, cold downpour.

While we were at Jackson Lodge having dinner, blogging, and checking email, the power flickered a couple of times and I wondered if the campground would be affected if the power went out 10 miles south. was. We returned to the campground to find no power and an inside-the-trailer temperature of 45 degrees. For all you campers out there, the beauty part of having a travel trailer is also having a generator. Within 15 minutes Steve had it cranked up and the heat was on! We turned the fridge on to gas, shut down the water heater, and turned all lights off except one, and are sitting here computing and reading in complete comfort. When it ran out of gas, Steve braved the rain and filled it again. By the time we were sick of marveling about the generator the power was back on.

Ann and Carol, how many freezing nights at Bantam did we have in the rain, playing hearts in a leaky dining canopy?

And I sure hope my friend Doug and his party are OK up there on the mountain.

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